Sat 11 Jan
💔 *😍😍 NaUghTy DreamGirL🌰 BEAUTIFUL CHOCOLATE 🍫 BUSTY!!❤👅 YoUnG &FiT; & ReaDY💔 - 22
(outcalls Henrietta, Rochester)
!!!Offering Quiet Relaxing Time in a Private Discreet and Safe Location and Environment!!! - 38
(Rochester, Sodus Area and Wayne Co. or Any)
🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏New new New🍏🍏 💟💟HOT💟 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏Asian Girl🍏🍏🍏🍏 💟💟💟 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏NuRu Massage🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 Incall - 21
(Rochester, W Henrietta NY)
Curvy doll loves senior citizens but any legal can always try it's Julie;) - 34
(Rochester, Rochester ny)
⭕❌⭕▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬💋 513-206-6066 💋▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❌⭕ ASIAN ⭕❌My Place ❌⭕TWO ASIAN GIRL ⭕❌▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❌⭕ GORGEOUS ⭕❌⭕ - 26
(Henrietta ❌⭕69 position❌⭕deep kiss ❌⭕NEW, Rochester)
🔥(BiG Tits )🔥CoMe DiGg 🍆 My Hol€ ⭕ oUT 💦DaDdy 👦 i BEeN A BaD🚫 GiRL👧 ❗❗👌👌 🎱❄️🦄 - 23
(Chili ave airport area Home alone in/ ou, Rochester)
▄▄ ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ l e t ' s _ ℳ a k e _ ℳ a g i c ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ ▄▄▄ -19 Evening spec 50/80 specials - 20
(Rochester, 104east irondiquot)
Milly Outcalls All Day And Night! Ill Bring Your Fantasy To Your Front Door!! - 22
(Outcalls, Rochester)
✋👀Looking to have a good🕛time🌼Turn up👍wit me!! 💥BEST💋MOUTH💋PIECE IN 👯THE GAME💨🆗ߒˀ - 22
(Rochester, Roberts Wesleyan College in/out)
♥ Lets Have Sum Fun tonite ! ♥…♥ 585-683-2867 ★…♥ Up all Nite ♥… - 28
(Rochester, Rochester, incall & out call)
Fri 10 Jan
(¯`'.¸ ஐ WoW!! wOw!! WoW!! ஐ ¸.'´¯) » L(0)(0)Ks GooD »: F33LS EveN Better! - 21
Y∅U'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t!⛔STOP✋ NEW FLaWLeSS RIT Student 80sp- - 22
(Rochester, 100%Safe & Discreet place....incall)
Well known and well reviewed Mary (m2244) and Chloe (of chloegiggles dot com) in town this week! - 27
°ღ° §w with °ღ° NaUgHY InN§iOn§ °ღ° check me out hottest chick on tha page - 20
(yours or mines..oxox)
·ஜ๑¤۩۞ (ŚĔXŶ_ βŶ_ŃĂŤÚŔĔ ¤۩۞۩¤ ŃĂÚĞĤŤŶ_ βŶ_ČĤŐĨČĔ) ¤۩۞۩¤๑ஜ *Avαîlαвlє Nσω * ➜ [NEW PICS] - 24
(Rochester, InCall(ツ)*New)
★★ Magically Delicious ...... Kinky & Very Seductive ..... Super Fre@ky - 21
(Rochester, Airport/ & All Surrounding Areas In/out)
NEW pics ~A Naughty, sexy and playful girl ready to rock ur world !!!!!! - 21
(Rochester, henrietta/ outcalls in Rochester)
✋👀Looking to have a good🕛time🌼Turn up👍wit me!! 💥BEST💋MOUTH💋PIECE IN 👯THE GAME💨🆗ߒˀ - 23
(Rochester, Airport Hotel incall outcall)
mature diana 🚂Come Enjoy Your GORGEOUS⚡TREAT 🍰🍌🙅DoNt MiSs OUT💦🚘⌛HeRe fOr a wEeK ONLY - 50
(north of rochester, Rochester)
EBONI CHOCOLATE Im BACK all real pics can take any size 585 284 3665 I MASTER THIS - 21
CLASSY Beauty:::... ..::::Cute Bubble BOOTY:::.... ..::::Sweet as HONEY ..:::::SEXY Curvy PETIET - 21
8Ospecial ⏰⏰ 44DD Plus-Size Cutie😻😻 Ju!cy & T!gHt•• Chubby Chasers DeLiGhT!! 🎂🍦🔥 - 34
(InCaLLs ((Private Discreet Location)), Rochester)
Alex/20/New Girl/Hispanic&Caucasian; Mixed/Green Eyes/Slim - 20
(Rochester, Your safe and discreet location)
**Anyone Out There In Need of a Quiet Relaxing Time In Private Discreet and Safe Location - 35
(Sodus Area and Wayne Co. or Any)
50$ 50$ .Q.S.♥♥ N€₩ €xø+¡c H¤++¥♥♥ ~~@$K For $uMM€R CALL 585 #TEXT ME 4 $p€c¡@l - 26
(Rochester, East)
(¯`♥´¯) -:¦:- BeAuT!FuL -:¦:- (¯`♥´¯) Dont Miss Out incall Specials - 21
(Incall specials henrietta)
Almost sold out the massive swingers orgy The most fun you can find in Upstate RSVP Now - 28
❤❀❤❀❤❀❤❀❤❀❤ Looking for a good time? Need to relax? Give me a call... 204-7905 ❤❀❤❀❤❀❤❀❤❀❤❀ - 26
🍭Let me be your special & sweet treat🍬 👻Happy Halloween🎃 (2Girls session avail)
(Rochester, OUTCALLS NOW!)